Web Browsers – An Explanation
Have you ever been asked the question, “What web browser are you using?” and not had a clue what the answer is? A web browser is an application that you use to access the internet, so for example if you wanted to write a letter you might open a word processing application such as Microsoft Word, and if you wanted to access a page on the web you would open a web browsing application such as Internet Explorer
You may not know that there are other browsers out there that you could be surfing the web with. Most people generally stick to the default browser as they generally don’t know what else is really out there. The vast majority of you reading this are most likely on Internet Explorer (the little blue letter E you clicked on to start with) whilst this depends on what type of machine you have, Internet Explorer is the most popular web browser out there. If you are on an Apple computer or device your default browser is Safari, Apple’s very own web browser. From amount of machines and devices out there it wold be a fair presumption that Internet Explorer and Safari are the two most popular web browsers, but what else is out there?
What other web browsers are available?

Well there are hundreds but the vast majority of them are only used by their creators, but there are 3 other major web browsers. These are Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox and Opera. You’re probably wondering why I am telling you about these when they all do the same sort of thing. Well each one is different from the other, offering features that the others don’t, as well as having different layouts and looks. This is then down to personal choice and taste with which one you find easiest to use, understand and like the look of. An amazing feature about all these web browsers is they update themselves. It is very important to have an up to date browser and many users didn’t do it so most of these applications took it upon themselves to update so you never have to worry about the security of your machine.
So you fancy trying out a different web browser? Check out the links below each of the respective logos to download the latest version of that browser.